
Journey to the Center of Music

It's Saturday, two days after Christmas and I'm laying on my in-law's couch while the missus is on their loveseat. We've been sick all night (thanks FIL) and the tv's on the Today show, when I see a bit with Tom Moon talking about his new book "1000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die". I sit up a little straighter, getting a moist belch for my troubles, and think about the possibilities. After we get better I head over to a bookstore and have a look at the artists featured: it had everything from old favorites like Metallica to newer found treasures like Johnny Cash; many I had never heard of before, like the entire world music selection and most of the jazz selection; and it rounds out with *shudder* Britney Spears, ABBA, and country. After some thought I decided to buy the book and try something out: I'm going to get one of the recordings listed every couple weeks and blog my thoughts and reactions to them and in between we'll discuss other topics of interest, mostly music related. I originally thought it would be a 3 year project, but after I double checked my math, I realized that would require a budget of about $300 a week, not going to happen.

And so, I invite you to join me in this journey through some of the greatest music yet made. The comments section will be space for you to offer your thoughts on the artists featured, alternatives that we should check out and just have fun. The comments area is not your private billboard to advertise your recordings, blogs or pages; so, don't be surprised if your spam gets deleted.